Western Australian Bahá’í Summer School 2023

Welcome to the Western Australian Bahá’í Summer School 2023

Join us for four days of relaxation, inspiration and wonderful company in the Australian bush at the WA Bahá’í Summer School 2023. The Summer School will be a place to gather and reflect, to count our blessings and explore how we can contribute to the growth of our communities and the healing of our planet in the days and years to come.

This year’s program will run from Thursday 28 Dec 2023 to Sunday 31 Dec 2023 (dates inclusive) in Fairbridge Village, Pinjarra, WA. You can find out more information about this year’s program outline, speakers, venue and registration details below.

We hope to see you in Fairbridge in December 2023!


Program - Releasing the Society Building Power of the Faith

The Sovereign Remedy: gaining a more profound understanding of Bahá'u'lláh’s teachings

At last year's Summer School, we commenced our journey to understand the requirements of the 9 Year Plan, a global initiative for the well-wishers of humanity to work towards the betterment of the world under the guidance of the Universal House of Justice (the Bahá’í world governing body), and explored some concepts related to the Plan's key theme - Releasing the Society Building Power of the Faith.

This year's Summer School will look to continue diving in to the richness of this theme, with the aim of us all working together to "gain an ever more profound understanding of Bahá'u'lláh’s teachings - "the sovereign remedy for every disease" - and to apply them to the needs of our society".

We are blessed that Mr Stephen Hall and Mrs Dicy Hall, recently returned from the Bahá’í World Centre in Haifa, Israel, after an extended period of service, will be joining us this year as keynote speakers to help guide us on the next step of this journey of understanding.

In addition to our inspiring plenary sessions, both creative and discussion workshops will be held, and a youth, junior youth and children’s program will complement our plenary sessions - and there will be plenty of relaxation time to reflect, take a bush walk, have a swim in the pool or catch up over coffee.

This is a time to come together from around Western Australia, to connect with new and old friends, to engage in uplifting conversation and to refresh our visions. How can we learn to channel the extraordinary power latent within Bahá'u'lláh’s message? How can we contribute to the prosperity and growth of our neighbourhoods and communities? How can we help each other to do this?

We welcome all to register for WA Summer School 2023! As you soak in the company of the beautiful diverse community that surrounds us, may you find yourself refreshed, gladdened, and ready to face 2024 with new plans, hope and confidence!

A Program for All Age Groups

This year’s summer school will include programs that cater to all age groups. You can find out more in the section below.


Youth aged 15+ will participate in the adult program as well as be able to attend various youth workshops and talks related to the theme.

Junior Youth Program

Ages 12-14yrs will enjoy their own program including talks and discussions related to the theme, games and friendship building activities, as well as a practical service element, visiting the local Pinjarra Community Gardens as volunteer gardeners.

Children’s Program

Children aged 6-11 will enjoy games, craft, stories, discussion and activities related to the same theme as the adult program. Children will be taken care of by volunteer teachers, all with child protection accreditation, during the main sessions of Summer School, allowing parents to enjoy the main talks and workshops. Children will join their parents for meals and free time and the family friendly evening program.

Toddler Space

For toddlers and younger children, ages 5 and under, a special space will be provided. Our smaller Summer School children will be able to engage in games, arts and craft, lego/duplo, story telling and water play (if it’s hot) with the supervision of their parent or carer and the help of some lovely volunteers.

Venue Information

This years WA Summer School will again be held in Fairbridge Village in Pinjarra, WA. Fairbridge Pinjarra accommodation consists of 24 South African and English-inspired cottages, each with their own unique piece of history. Fairbridge Village is surrounded by native trees and flowers which are preserved and native wildlife roams freely. Fairbridge Village facilities include Cafe, 25 m swimming pool, full-sized sporting oval with football, soccer and cricket facilities, gas barbecues & picnic areas.

Accommodation is in the original cottages and sizes range from 4 to 54 people with a total capacity of up to 315 beds.

Further information on the venue is available at www.fairbridge.asn.au


On-Arrival Information

Friends can arrive and register from 2 pm with program beginning at 4.00 pm on Thursday 28 December 2023.

Immediately on arrival, you will need to go to the undercover area near the dining hall to confirm your arrival and to receive your information package. The package will contain name-tags for you and family group and directions to your allocated accommodation.

Meals and Refreshments

Breakfast, morning and afternoon tea, lunch and dinner will be supplied in the dining room.

Snacks will be provided for the children's program.

Special diets

The registration process supports several different dietary requirements including vegetarian, vegan, gluten free.

For any other requirements please contact the Summer School Taskforce at summerschool@wa.bahai.org.au

What to Bring

This year’s summer school will include programs that cater to all age groups. you can find out more in the sections below.

What to Bring

It is recommended that you bring your own bedding.

Packing checklist:

  • Pillow

  • Linen

  • Towels

  • Toiletries

  • Bathers

  • Torches

  • Sunscreen

  • Repellents

  • Sturdy walking shoes

  • Sporting equipment

  • Any prescription medication

For Children's Program Participants

For children attending the children's programmes:

  • Hat (labelled with your child's name)

  • Sports shoes

  • Drink bottle filled with water only (with your child's name)

For your Comfort and Entertainment

  • Portable fan: There is no air-conditioning in the residential facilities, and you may wish to bring your own portable fan for your comfort if the weather is particularly hot.

  • Special diets: You may wish to bring some of your own food (see the above notes).

  • Infants' requirements: You will need to bring a cot for very young children.

  • Talents: Come prepared to share your love for Bahá'u'lláh with your music, dance or drama.

Registration Details

Registration details for this year’s Summer School are included below. We’d love you to attend Summer School so please contact the WA Summer School taskforce if you have any special circumstances or questions, or if cost is a barrier for you. There is a ‘contact us’ tab at the bottom of this page.

DAY VISITORS: The WA Baha'i Summer School nurtures an immersive experience that encourages full engagement from the participants over the length of the school. The Taskforce acknowledges, however, that it is not always possible for individuals and families (for various reasons) to attend the Summer School for longer than a day. In addition, friends who have not attended before may like to have a ‘taster’ before committing to the whole experience. This year, without detracting from its immersive nature, we will be trialling the acceptance of a limited number of day visitors on the first day, Friday 29th December 2023. If you wish to apply for an exception and register for a day visit, please contact the Summer School taskforce at summerschool@wa.bahai.org.au.


Full Camp (Residential)

This includes accommodation and meals. Please note, you will need to indicate dietary preferences in the registration form. Some cottages provide bedding, but please bring sheets pillows and blankets.

$285 - attendees 26 years and over

$260 - youth aged 12 to 25 years

$215 - children age 3 - 11 years

$0 - children under 3 years - must bring own portable bed or cot.

Full Camp (Non-Residential)

This includes all meals, including breakfast, but does not include accomodation. Please note, you will need to include dietary preferences in the registration form. Non-residential Summer School participants are kindly asked to arrive in time for the morning program so they can fully participate in the Summer School program.

$200 - (non-resident) attendees 12 years and over

$170 - (non-resident) children age 3 - 11 years

Registrations have now been closed. Please contact the task force via the below form should you wish to be added to the waitlist

Contact us or get involved

WA Summer School Task force.

Please use the contact us form to get in touch with the WA Summer School Task force members.

  • if you have questions

  • suggestions

  • particular interests or talents to offer, such as music, yoga, visual art, bushwalking and nature, general enthusiasm and helpfulness

  • if you need financial assistance or deputisation to attend

  • if you would like to get involved and help out, we would also like to hear…

The supreme need of humanity is cooperation and reciprocity. The stronger the ties of fellowship and solidarity amongst men, the greater will be the power of constructiveness and accomplishment in all the planes of human activity.”

- Abdu’l Baha